Integrating Strategy, People, Processes and Tools
Accredent principal Jen Nowlin was a speaker on real-world Internet of Things and Analytics - Integrating Strategy, People, Processes and Tools at 2016 SCPD National Conference held at The 3M Innovation Center in Minneapolis USA. Her presentation and those of other industry luminaries focused how to create high-value strategy, connect it to teams for high-velocity product development, and deliver better customer experiences, products, business processes, business models, and bottom line results.
Jennifer Nowlin, Principal at Accredent . She is a 20 year M2M and Internet of Things (IoT) industry veteran and expert in both the business and technology of IoT. Jennifer has held senior business development and technical leadership roles with Verizon and other leading companies prior to joining Accredent. Working across the complete IoT value chain over a wide range of use cases with hundreds of companies, she has successfully brought new to world IoT solutions to market, led business transformations, and engaged markets effectively leveraging integrated partnerships with large corporations and emerging companies. Jennifer has a BSEE - UW Madison and MBA - University of Minnesota.
Accredent specializes in the Business of The Internet of Things(tm). Formed in 2009 out a four year strategy, M&A, and business development engagement with companies that pioneered many of today's Internet-of-Things connected technologies, business models and use cases. Contact Us